Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A is for Aphrodite... sorta

Like I said yesterday, these are going to be sketches... hopefully on Sundays I’ll be able to at least finish them up to be line art we will see if I end up having time.
So these characters are all going to be steampunkish characters inspired by Greek, Roman, Egyptian or Nordic dieties.  Aphrodite seemed a good place to start. You can start to see the steampunk elements in this sketch- Though I realize it is hard to tell right now.  Also, I understand that everyone has a different view of beauty- and that is wonderful! This is just my interpretation.


  1. Nice!

    This year for a theme - and it's not truly a theme but... I assigned a letter to each of my closest associates and asked them to assign a topic. I am currently writing my E article as I need to stay a few days ahead! And the topic is Eurynome! Who I'm just finding out is some sort of mythological pre-Olympian queen - or various other women of mythology.

    Anyways - if you're looking for suggestions, I propose a steampunk Eurynome!

    Take care.

    1. I SWEAR I replied to this earlier- but I guess it didn't post :P
      I LOVE suggestions- I do have a list, but because of Covid19 I have not drawn anything ahead (hence why I'm just doing sketches)
      Thanks for coming by today!

  2. I would love to see this one when you finish it. And I look forward to your steampunk interpretations.
    Black and White (Words and Pictures)
