Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Making Progress!

No pictures- sorry; but I'm to lazy to take them.  We have the furniture re-arranged in the living room and it is now completely cut off from the kitchen; which is good- because with both the opening from the hallway and the opening from the kitchen it felt more like a large extension of the hallway and less like a room you'd actually want to watch TV in.  Office is unpacked and put away- and is now full of boxes to go through again.  This is a good thing- because that means that the living room, while still full of boxes; is empty enough that I can actually WORK in there.  At this point I've done all the heavy lifting (well; my second youngest sister helped a lot with that) so all that is left is sorting and putting away.  The good news? I actually have places for just about everything- so yea- it's going to be a lot of work- but it should feel faster because in general the space is more organized.  Well got to get back to work!!


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