Tuesday, April 23, 2019

T is for TERROR

This is one of the few images that I painted in school that I'm actually proud of.  It also has a bit of a story, because it is part of a world I've been writing about since I was 12.  This is the Banshee of Sha'Dren, it is an extinct elven kingdom.  The Banshee was once the queen of a thriving kingdom, the day of her marriage to a prince of a neighboring kingdom she and her people were betrayed.  Dragon riders flew in from the south, and decimated her people.  She died, but her anguish and agony lived on- as her kingdom crumbled and was reclaimed by the wild her essence moved among the ruins, hunting for those that betrayed.

This is an abbreviated part of the story, but that is the explanation for the picture. 

Alicia Hawks